
Saturday, 2 August 2014

It's not easy...

It's not easy to be a mum. Many times mum need to make difficult choices, dosen't matter how hard it is, mum always will do everything what is in her power to help/make happy own baby. And lots of times Mum will have sleepless nights, lots of worries .... but she still will find the power to show affection and love to her children <3
I always want to do my best for my children and my husband. But not exactly always I can sort everything in life in way like I would like too...
My son, John, is 3&half years old and he still got problem with his speech. I have been going a lot to special childrens groups and on language theraphy and i think this all helped him a little bit with everything.
It's very difficult sometimes when you know that you cant do much about some things... so i decided to share with you some usefull tips about what to do to help your child with his speech and language.

First thing what you need to do  is  giving choices to your child, because it's great way and opportunity to use the words they are acquiring. The best thing how You can do this is by holding 2 objects on the front of your child and ask for eg do you would like to get this big car or little car/ or yellow or black car/ and etc and if the child points or says the items name - give this item to him. It will teach him to using words or actions to get what he want. You can give lots of choices in a lot of activities. If your child dont like to point on anything or saying words, you can also try to use diffrent words like e.g. ball-sock or cup - car.

Second important thing is commenting everything what are you doing with your child /or what your son or daughter are doing when he/she is playing. You can also join in his/hers activities when they are playing. To make easier for a child you can use only single words to comment. It's very fun and easy when you use some funny noises during the playing, or put a sound effects into this game. E.g. Train: 'go fast', 'push', 'choo choo' .

Another very important thing is waiting for answer from your child. E.g. Choose a toy what child love and hold of front of you and wait until you son or daughter points/reach for/ or ask for the item.

Other important thing is helping your child to request. (encourage your child to ask for items). To do this you can put something higher but in sight - so child will try ask for it. You can also try to hide one of socks and give only child one sock and see how your child react ( ask for the other one?:)or he will say sock/where ); give an empty cup and 'forget' to pour the juice and etc.

I hope You are enyoying reading my blog and i hope that some of these informations will be helpfull for you. I will post some more helpfull things soon  - about ideas for house playing with your child to help develop speach and language skills. So keep your self updated with my blog and Thank You for reading !!! xxx

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